Friday, 16 November 2012

Pro Choice

So this post is completely not to do with any of my usual posts but I felt like I should 
bring it up as it's something I've been thinking about ever sicne it arose a few days ago. 
There has been a lot of buzz around Ireland over the past few days considering
 abortion and whether it should be legalized or just legal in some cases or
should the church still have an influence on government and some of its actions.

It all started when on 28th of October a young woman called Savita 
Halappanavar (above) died of septicaemia caused by a fetus she
 was carrying that was miscarrying and would never survive. The doctors 
knew this and knew that if they didn't remove the fetus, Savita would not
 survive but because of Irish law the doctors couldn't do anything and Savita died.

I myself believe that abortion should be legal in some cases. Cases like
Savitas should always be allowed to have the fetus aborted, so should be
the case with woman who are raped and do not wish to carry the child.
Here's where abortion gets complicated for me, for girls who go around
having sex every man out there and thinking it's fine because the have
 the back up of the morning after pill or abortion. It's people like that, that make
 me think if abortion is brought in it should be heavily regulated.

Also another thing which my dad said to me which is very true, if a woman
wanted to have a child but the father wanted to keep it, the child would
 be aborted, but if the woman wanted to keep it and the father wanted
aborted, the child would be born and the father would have to pay for the
child for years. So in both cases the father has no choice which as far as I
know has been the case in any country abortion has been brought in which
is outrageous to me as I feel the father should have a choice.

To rap things up my opinion is abortion should be legalizes but heavily regulated
so people cannot abuse the fact that its there.

Comment below with your own opinions on this subject.

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