Sunday, 14 October 2012


So this is a post which is very close to my heart. In the last few years bullying seems to be getting worse and worse, with more people being bullied and in more sever ways leading to extremely sad & unfortunate endings.

When I was younger I was bullied over multiple things being gay was the main one. From primary school, when it was worst, til this very day. Nowadays it's not as bad as what it was but I went through very bad patch's in the past.

It was at it's worst for me when I was in Secondary School (High School) I would be called multiple names & at lunch I would go to my group of friends but sometimes if my close friends weren't there ( would go  eat my lunch in the cubicle in the bathrooms by myself & I would go home some days, crying myself to sleep & at one point in my life I even contemplated suicide.

After that point in my life I made sure I would never feel like that again. I look at everything in a positive light. I realised how lucky I was to even be alive & how I took it for granted that I had the life that I had. No it wasn't all luxury & stuff but I had it better then most people in this world.

I have empathy towards bullies because I think, they must have been in such a bad bad place to make them like this. To make them be so mean to others & not feel sad or sorry for it. After I was bullied I also went through a phase were I was beginning to be mean to others without even realizing that I was being mean. Then I realised how I was to some people & realised why I have started being like that.

Since then I have been trying to make sure I amen't mean to people & when I am I make sure I apologize.

I've also had many friend who have been in very bad places where they've self harmed & tried to take there life. Every time I've heard about it I've tried my best to help each one through what they were going through mentally. 

It's sad that bullying does go on & I do think it should be stopped, but not just by stopping the bully who is doing the bullying, but also by trying to stop what has made the bully the way he is.

I also feel like people who are in a bad place should know that everything changes. What they go through as a teenager is not what they go through as they grow up. Yes at the time they/we feel like it's the end of the world at that time, but you're life will get so much better  You just need to surround yourself by people you love & are the type of people that will be there for you & you can be there for.


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